Tuesday, April 26, 2011

A steak at 12

I am sitting at home at 12:00 after a late night training session getting ready to grill a steak in hopes of keeping all that I've worked for on this rickety frame, and hoping that maybe one more meal will keep the fat assassins slaying and the muscle masons building. Its times like these that my mind is rattled at the sheer dedication of those in this sport (bodybuilding, fitness, sports nutrition etc.) and the daily grind and routine that they stick to, without hesitation, for the purpose of creation. I think there is a certain sense of pride and arrogance that you'll find amongst some in this business, but I think for the most part, the elite level competitors are pushing themselves to see what their limits are and what they are capable of because they have realized that they have control of their bodies. Its theirs to shape and mold and it feels great to have and realize that power..not out of arrogance, but out of control and creation!

With that in mind, I was reading through some old emails that I have when I stumbled upon one from a friend of mine, that is involved in Muscle Nog, from when we were brainstorming marketing messages and ideas. I was moved by the message so I thought it would be prudent to share. Here's what he said - "We‘ve all heard it! Hell we say it unknowingly! “blood sweat and tears....”, “you gotta pay the price....”, “to get you gotta give...”, "Yin and Yang", “To be a champ you must train like a champ...”. The list of cliché’s go on and on but truth is truth. These statements portray difficulty, a burden of commitment, a self-driven conviction to walk beyond our comfort zone, and to crush average on its lazy neck. Burst your bubble of mediocrity dammit! Quit talking the tough talk, shut your mouth and get rockin’! Get living again! Feel your pulse pounding out of your veins! Never ever again take advantage of that breath you just took. Push that set to failure, and I mean dead ass failure! Run the race like it’s your last day of mortality! Fight your next fight and silent the masses in awe! You see, pain and glory go hand in hand. Feel alive again! There is holiness, a sacredness of individual sacrifice that comes from pushing the body and mind to greater growth and conquering your false limitations, believe it, the soul yearns for it! It’s divinely given, we weren’t meant for stagnation! The NOG life isn’t about ordinary, and it’s definitely not average! It’s not just a brand or a logo or a food, it’s our faith, a religion if you will, the burning passion, the inner flame that fuels our lives and makes good great and greatness better! It feeds us as we sleep, and consumes us as we wake! Nog is about self-confidence. It’s about being significant in life. Get Nogged! Stay Nogged!"

Anyone who knows me knows that I’m not about "tooting my own horn", but I think we have something great, and I truly want to share it...for all that its worth....not just the product, but the lifestyle.

Be good, no, Be Great! Move Mountains!


P.S. The steak was delicious as was the Nutty Butter Nog! Now I command my body to GROW!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

My story!

I genuinely have a love of the gym.

Half a dozen years ago I made a move in my life that I believe, had a huge impact on where I am today. It had been a series of poor decisions and a complete failure of identity that lead me on a path of successive failures, and it wasn’t a hard decision for me to pack my little family up Beverly Hillbilly style, in a 89 Toyota truck, with all of our belongings stacked so high that I could swear we clipped a few underpasses, and move half way across the nation to distance myself from it all….a fresh start……and believe me, I needed it!

It was a fabulous time. I got to know my wife on a different level. My second daughter was born. I saw and participated in a business that saw growth and an eventual buy-out for millions of dollars. I found a fondness for the Midwest. I discovered myself. I discovered the gym.

Now don’t get me wrong, I had spent time in the gym before…in fact there was a short stint while in college that I was almost serious about it, but this discovery was different. This time the gym became my friend, a trusty ally in a very uncertain time. It started with me just wanting to get back in shape, but something clicked. The pain became pleasure. I could feel my body responding to what I was doing. My mind became clear and I felt alive! Arnold has a quote in Pumping Iron that always flashes through my skull when I talk with people about this…He said “The greatest feeling you can get in a gym, or the most satisfying feeling you can get in the gym is... The Pump. Let's say you train your biceps. Blood is rushing into your muscles and that's what we call The Pump. You muscles get a really tight feeling, like your skin is going to explode any minute, and it's really tight - it's like somebody blowing air into it, into your muscle. It just blows up, and it feels really different. It feels fantastic.” I have always liked that quote because I too have felt The Pump and I know what Arnold is talking about, but even more than The Pump…in the way that Arnold describes it…there is this moment, after you have pushed your body to its limits, that your body starts clicking on all cylinders, your synapses are wide open and heating up from the massive data being transmitted, your body is communicating in a clear and concise way, endorphins are released, adrenaline flows and a transformation takes place. It is a sensational feeling and for someone like me, it’s what keeps me coming back for more. There has never been a time that I left the gym feeling worse than when I went in (with the exception of injury), but there has been plenty of times where I have felt worse for NOT going to the gym. Whatever pain or discomfort I experience during an intense workout has always paid off ten-fold. This payoff, this clarity, this feeling of creation became an addiction.

I researched and studied. I bought magazines and books, and went into supplement shops and asked questions. I trolled bodybuilding forums. I pulled guys aside in the gym to find out what they were doing. From witnessing my brother-in-law win a body transformation competition years earlier, I knew that diet, supplementation and rest were just as important (if not more so) than the time that I was spending in the gym, and I was looking to maximize my efforts. I experimented with different workouts. I tried dozens and dozens of different supplements. I played around with nutrient timing, tried to dial in my diet, and I focused extremely hard on quitting sugar (my absolute weakness) and my results didn’t go unnoticed. I was feeling great, looking better, and excited about life. My mind was clear when I left the gym and it was at that time that I did most of my brainstorming and goal setting. I felt like a warrior and had the expectations of a god. I could see that I was shaping my body. I was creating something not only physically, but mentally and spiritually, and I could hear the whispers from others that they too were seeing a transformation. I want to emphasize here that I don’t believe I am a narcissist. I have always struggled with confidence. I believed in myself, but I struggled to find my spot. I always felt very normal but I never felt special. I still wrestle with my weaknesses and am very aware of what they are, but it has been this reenergizing of my body, mind, and soul that has helped me to understand what I am capable of.

A turning point for me came one day when I was walking out of the gym after an intense arm workout. With my gym bag over my shoulder and sweat tumbling down my temples, an older gentleman walked by on his way in to the weight room and said “Damn son, where can I get some of those arms?” I remember smiling as I turned around and pointed in the way he was already walking. My response was “You’re heading in the right direction.” It was an extremely fulfilling moment for me. I became the person that people were pulling aside in the gym. I became the person answering the questions. In that moment I was special.

So here I sit, a changed person, with an overwhelming urge to share my story. Not because its miraculous or earthshattering, but because it means something to me and I hope that it will mean something to someone else. I remember hearing a life coach I once knew say “in order for things to change….you must change. If things are going to get better…you must get better!” We heal ourselves and then we can heal others. We find ourselves and then we can help others find themselves. I am a firm believer that we are all connected and that true fulfillment in life comes from creating. We can create better lives…better directions….help ourselves and others make better choices. The gym gave me that clarity, and I will be forever indebted to that proving ground, that classroom, that chapel.


Sunday, April 10, 2011

Muscle Nog - The Next Evolution of Egg Protein Powders

So I have been promising this post for some time, but I have been buried with trying to get Muscle Nog off the ground. Now that we officially have product and are open for business, I can safely say that it is a commitment of mine to be a frequent blog poster. I sincerely hope I can meet that commitment.

First things first though. I want to introduce Muscle Nog in all of its fantastic glory! (This journey has been interesting in the way that it has panned out, but I know now that had it happened any other way, I would be highly disappointed). Muscle Nog is THE FIRST nutritionally complete, 100% bioavailable, egg white protein powder on the planet. The thing that sets Nog apart from any other egg white protein powder is the process in which it is derived. We use a proprietary process that uses low heat and time to gently caress the water from liquid pasteurized egg whites (can I make that sound sexier?). What we are left with at the end of this process is a nutritionally complete egg white crystal that is fully soluble, fully bioavailable, and shelf stable for 3+ years (it actually could be longer than that...more on this in future posts). It has the same nutritional content as it had in liquid form, which is a claim that NO OTHER egg white protein powder can make. Every other egg white protein powder is created through spray drying. The spray dry process exposes liquid egg to temperatures close to 400 degrees F. Those extreme temperatures kill nutritional and bioavailable components. Spray dry processors will admit that spray dried egg is only 80% bioavailable. So, in essence, you are wasting 20% of your money with any other egg protein powder. That is a FACT and indisputable. Muscle Nog stands alone at the top of egg protein powders and it flat out does its job.

The cool thing (in my opinion) about Muscle Nog is its convenience. Most individuals I know that are looking to lose weight or gain lean mass are consuming eggs in their diet. I have personally been through this routine. Egg white omelets, fried eggs, scrambled eggs, poached eggs, boiled eggs... crack, separate, cook, boil, peel, eat, clean......blah! The routine is a goal killer. The thing that is most difficult when training is to diet properly and eat consistently. The harder and more time consuming something is, the more likely someone is to NOT do it. WELL, Nog eliminates this problem. Every serving of Nog is the equivalent of 5 egg whites...and its freakin delicioso! To eat and clean up after a 5 egg white omelet takes me 15 minutes or so. To drink a Nog and rinse my cup it takes me less than 2 minutes. If that was my daily routine, I'd be saving 79 hours a year. Almost 3.5 days just by changing one simple thing in my regimen. Nog makes sense in both time and nutrition....seriously, how can that be bad?

I started this journey in an effort to make a healthy egg nog (for lack of a better expression), and ended up with something that exceeded my expectations. I was trying to put a new spin on liquid pasteurized egg whites, which I think are a great product in and of themselves, but I realized very quickly that there were some limitations. I realized that having to ship short shelf life liquids across the country and compete in cooler space with Muscle Milk (Pepsi), BSN's SYntha 6 RTD, Worldwide Nutrition, ABB, Gatorade, etc. was just going to be an uphill battle. I realized that asking people to buy 4 gallons of liquid egg whites and to store 3 of them in their freezer was asking a lot of MOST people. I realized that it’s a product that has to be constantly refrigerated or you run the risk of spoilage and bacteria. I also realized that liquid eggs change your body odor and increase gas, and I know it’s not a glorious topic, but drinking liquid egg whites will make you stink. Even despite those limitations I was determined to find a viable solution for improving egg white protein. I knew its value and knew it was the "gold standard" by which every other protein in sport nutrition was judged, but I saw that the "egg industry" was light years behind milk and whey. I pressed forward though and just before I threw in the towel I stumbled upon this process for crystalizing eggs. Its brilliant, its revolutionary, and without question it is the next evolution in egg protein powders. I am proud to pioneer this product into an industry I love. Nog has all the benefits of liquid eggs with none of the downsides. Its light and portable. It does Not need to be refrigerated in powder form. Competing for shelf space in retail locations is a realistic possibility. AND most importantly, Muscle Nog will not make you stink. Getting Nogged will make you a lean mean machine, ready to conquer the world! Drink it at night and your body will stay anabolic for 4-5 hours WHILE YOU SLEEP. It’s a slower digesting protein and extremely efficient. The USDA has labeled egg white protein as "nutritionally complete" and "a high quality protein for human consumption". Egg protein contains all 20 proteinogenic amino acids for protein synthesis. Bottom line is that MUSCLE NOG does a damn good job at aiding the body in fat loss and lean muscle gains. Muscle Nog IS the new standard for egg white protein. It has raised the bar and I personally invite anyone and everyone to Get Nogged. I love this product, I love the industry, I am ready to be a part of some life changes, and this adventure starts NOW!

And just FYI - I have Vanilla (Nilla Nog) and Chocolate (Choco Nog) that are the best tasting powders in the industry. I will soon have a traditional egg nog, nogberry creme, nutty butter nog, nana nog, nilla noglatte, and many other lip smaking flavors. If you have flavor suggestions...let your voice be heard!